Monday, January 08, 2007

Rosie, Donald, Major League Baseball, NHL, etc.

Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump, engaging in a war of words in public.  Who do they think they're kidding.  Now more people are watching Rosie and Donald.  Two multi-millionaires get richer, while all the "little people" just keep going on about their normal lives.  Wake up everybody--it's all about the entertainment.  Does any of this really matter?
On a related note, remember the baseball strike?  The hockey strike?  Again, a bunch of baby millionaires can't get along.  Boo hoo!  Millions of bucks just for PLAYING GAMES!  Only bad thing there was the hotdog vendors and parking lot attendants that were put out of work.  At least Rosie and Donald didn't do that.
Meanwhile, on a note that may or may not be related, there's some mysterious gas smell over the island of Manhattan today.  Isn't that where Donald lives?  And where they film "The View"?  Maybe the stink in Manhattan IS related.

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